Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cosmetologist information

Throughout this blog it is shown that cosmetology is a great industry for the ecnomy, and the future is only looking brighter for this industry.  The projected number of employees in the hair industry in 2018 is 987,400 employees.  It is only going to go up.  No matter how bad the economy is, it doesn't change how people want to feel about themselves.  In many surveys it shows that people will cut other parts of their budget before they cut out their beauty needs.  This means that the industry is recession proof and will still be bringing in the same amount it always has, which is great for our economy.  Cosmetolgoy is a great industry for everyone involved, and always will be.

Cosmetology Students showing the industry isn't suffering

Even though our country is in a recession, the demand for trained cosmetologist is still on the rise.  Most people would think that salons would be cutting back on hiring for new people, but it is the exact oposite.  Salons are trying to expand their businesses and are wanting more qualified employees working for them.  In 2008 3/4 of the salons said they were looking for more employees but couldn't find any with the qualifications they were looking for.  In 2007 The American Association of Cosmetology Schools concluded that the demand for liscenced cosmetologist will rise at the rate of the population.

Spa Services

Although the hair industry brings the most money into the cosmetology industry, spa services also bring in revenue to the economy.  The averaage customer spends $75.00 per service at a spa.  American spas had $9.7 billiopn revenue last year.  The amount of money being spent may not have increased the past few years but it still isn't suffering.  Their are over 303,700 people employed in the spa industry as of 2008.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Pressure to Look Good

Even in an ugly economy, their will always be a pressure in society to look good.  In a survey these results were found...
-23% agree they spend more on beauty products
-81% use money towards hair products or services
-61% use money towards skin care
-41% use money towards facials
Lesser amounts of people are spending their money on facial waxing, tanning, and eyelash servies, but facial waxing is on the rise.  The pressure to look good, isn't just for females.  In America is was shown that 84% said it was acceptable for men to spend money on their appearance.  Most of the men that are spending their money towards appearance are in other countries besides America.  No matter what is going on around the world, their will always be a pressure to look good for everyone.

Recession Proof Industry

No matter how bad the economy is, the beauty industry seems to not suffer very much.  Even in the toughest of times for people, they want to still feel good about themselves. As Unemployment rates were falling, the need for cosmetologists was rising.  Many people when asked about the subject, said that they cut other things out of their budget, like eating out, in order to maintain their visits too the salon.  The Beauty industry is in the same category with healthcare, in the fact that no matter what people will always need stylists and they will be needed everywhere.  It is a great industry to go into because you can get a job anywhere.

Salaries for Cosmetologist

To become a cosmetologist you have to go to beauty school for a certain number of hours.  In Iowa it will take someone about a year and a half to complete their education.  Right out of school stylist make a median salary of $20,000 average.  Salaries are different at every place you work but they usually have to do with comission and they will get tips also.  Depending on which salon and how good you are you can earn a very large salary.  Salons bring in a lot of money for the ecnomy, especially some higher end salons. With being a cosmetologist, you are making how much based on how much effort you put into it.  You make your own salary, which is appealing for some people.

Cosmetology as a Career

Cosmetology is a leading industry with more and more people going into it each year.  Their are more than 250,000 buisnesses in America.  In the United States more than 845,000 people are imployed in the beauty industry.  Cosmetologist are needed everywhere because it is an indsutry that hasn't been effected very much by the recession.

Spending on Beauty in America

When you think of how much people spend on beauty products, you would never imagine the actual results.  In America it was found that women spend $42 billion a year on cosmetics and beauty supplies. When laid out it says that 2.4 billion on shampoos, around 1 billion on conditioners, 700 million on hairsprays, ect.  Beuty supplies in America is a must for almost everyone, including men.  Everyone cares about their looks and will use whatever it takes to make them look beautiful weather it be skin care, makeup, hair products, or perfumes.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Baby Boomers in the Salon

Now is the time when baby boomers are right at the age where they are seeking anything they can in the salon and spa to feel younger than ever.  People are getting involved in the spa industry now more than ever because older people are wanting facials and massages to help with their aging skin and body.  They also help the economy by all the products they are buying to help their aging process.  Many older women spend a lot of money on skin care to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.  When it comes to hair care it is found that a lot of the elderly population want to die their hair to get rid of the grey.  80% of chemical services are for people wanting to color their hair to or to reduce the grey.  The older men and women are spending more than ever on cosmetology due to the baby boomer generation.

Color & Chemical Services for the Hair

In cosmetology their is a range of services that you can have done.  It can be as simple as facial waxing, to botox, or to plastic surgery.  Their are different ranges of how many people tend to get what services they can done.  An estimated 50% of women over the age of 25 color their hair.  Chemical work with hair is mostly to do color, only about 20% of chemical services are to help with the texture of your hair.    Coloring hair brings in a lot of money into the economy.